Why you don't need to fear Mercury Retrograde.
As soon as we hear Mercury Retrograde I feel as though this fills many of us with dread and worry.
Although this transit is significant with Mercury being one of our closest planets, it really isn't something to fear. If anything this transit is a gentle reminder for us to slow down and take our time, which is a necessity in our fast paced reality!
As Mercury rules over our communication, ideas and information, transportation, technologies, schedules and how we plan our day to day lives, this retrograde transit tends to throw a bit of a spanner in the works for all of these areas... However, that being said it's not a time of complete chaos. A little chaos..maybe.. but not a complete meltdown and upheaval (that's Pluto's job! Haha).
This current Mercury retrograde will be happening at 4 degrees Gemini on May 10th/11th 2022, until May 22nd/23rd 2022 where it will move in to the sign of Taurus.
As this Mercury retrograde will be happening in one of it's rulership signs, Gemini, and with Gemini ruling over our mind, communication, learning and short distance travel we may feel this retrograde more intensely than others!
We could quite literally experience physical delays and setbacks due to this transit, which is something to be mindful of when going about your day. As I write this (on the first day of retrograde no less) I personally have already experienced minor travel delays and traffic issues out of the norm.
You can check to see where 4 degrees Gemini is for you and what house Gemini rules over in your chart, to best understand how this retrograde may be effecting you on a personal level. You can pull up your chart here.
It is great to be mindful of this retrograde and plan accordingly, however it does not mean you have to put your life on hold!
A few key things to be mindful of during this retrograde period are:
Take your time! This applies to everything. Driving, walking, reading, replying, life in general!
Re-read any important documentation such as contracts, letters of agreement, big ticket purchases (such as a Car, Fridge, Computer etc). There may be hidden clauses you didn't realize or missing clauses etc. If it is a very important contract, I would recommend having a third party read over this as well. This point also includes sending important emails! Re-read who you have sent and Cc'd these to will help avoid any awkward situations and a mad dash to re-call the message.
Backup anything important if you can. Technology can breakdown during this time, so load up that icloud and hard drive just in case. Remember the old saying, save as you go!
Beginning a new project or offering is cautioned against during this time. This is because it may take a while to get off the ground or turn out slightly different than you expected. You could also feel a completely different way about it when Mercury stations direct. It is best to avoid launching in the retrograde period, however if unavoidable just be open and adaptable to where the project goes. It may work out even better than you had hoped if you go into it with this mindset.
Remembering why you left or ended relationships rather than reminiscing on only the good times. As Mercury retrograde causes us to re-visit things, we can sometimes find ourselves reminiscing certain relationships or wanting to rehash conversations. - There is a likely hood this won't go well, proceed with caution. It is possible that when Mercury stations direct you may regret re-kindling that relationship!
Beginning a new job is always cautioned against during Mercury retrograde, but we can't put our life on hold especially when it comes to accepting a job offer. If you have been through the recruitment process prior to Mercury retrograde, it is likely this will not apply to you. However a few areas to be mindful of when accepting a job during Mercury retrograde: - Re-read and have a third party review your contract. Do not sign without reading everything! If something is concerning you, query it with the Hiring Manager or your employment contact. - There is a possibility your role/position may look quite different after Mercury stations direct. To avoid this (if you don't want change in the position you take) ensure there are clear outlines and role clarity/expectations for you. If there isn't, there may be changes you didn't sign up for! Sometimes this is unavoidable, however if you have the above in place there is less room for it. - Quitting or resigning from a job with little to no notice is sometimes unavoidable (we have all been there!) however, during Mercury retrograde it may impact future opportunities in a slightly negative light. It is suggested to resign with your contractual notice period if possible (sometimes this is unavoidable) as this will avoid any negative impacts on future roles that may need a reference from this position. Something to be mindful of, but don't force yourself to stay in a toxic or unhealthy work place just because it is Mercury retrograde.
With all of that being said, you are now set to take on this Mercury retrograde with ease!
A good way to use this energy is to re-visit old projects, work on healing shadow aspects and clear out anything that doesn't serve you any longer.
As always, remember that Mercury retrograde is not a fearful time but a time of introspect, reflection aaaaaand a little test of our patience!
Until next time,