Why is it important to read my whole birth chart?

Since the early 1930's when pop culture Sun sign Astrology came on to the scene, we have been lead to believe we are simply one star sign and that's it!

This has caused so many of us to feel confused, misled and misunderstood by not only others but most importantly ourselves.

As an Astrologer, I am so passionate about teaching, basically whoever I interact with, that we are simply more than just our sun sign!

When we look at the whole chart there are 12 houses, each divided up like a pie. This whole circle of houses represents us as a holistic overview. We can't just take one slice and only relate to that very small part of our entire being..

Yes our sun sign is very important, this represents what lights us up. Our inner essence, the secret sauce we bring into everything we do. It is who we are on a soul level, those around us may see this aspect of ourselves, even if we can't see it ourselves. However it is not the only part of our chart that is important.

If you are new to learning about Astrology and want to dive deeper than just your sun sign. Here is how to uncover what your birth chart even is, along with some placements to start off with that will help you to begin to uncover and decode your unique birth chart.

  1. Firstly you need to download/pull up your birth chart. If you are super new to looking at these, I would recommend using www.astro-charts.com as this website breaks it down a little for you and highlights some key areas for you. However, if you are a little more savvy and have looked into your chart before or possibly use apps like costar etc. I would recommend using www.astro.com and selecting the charts and calculations area. Then choosing the 'extended chart selection' option. Here you can choose what type of chart you would like to explore. NB: To access your birth chart, you will need your exact time of birth, date and location.

  2. I would recommend choosing 'Whole sign houses' to begin with or continue with. I personally use this house system as it really resonates with me. However feel free to use the Placidus system if this resonates more. There are many different house systems that Astrologers use, so it is important to use what you feel most comfortable with.

  3. Now, the fun part! To start with, I would recommend looking into your 'big 6' placements. This is your Sun sign, Moon sign, Rising (Ascendant), Venus sign, Mars sign and Mercury sign. These 6 placements are a great starting point to begin to understand yourself at a deeper level. As you progress, you can then look at what houses these planets and angles are in (blog post on the houses coming soon, I also have a post about the houses on my Instagram here).

  4. The next important placements I would recommend looking into would be your: IC placement, Saturn sign, Jupiter sign, Uranus sign, Neptune sign, Pluto sign, Chiron sign, North and South node placements, MC and DC placements, along with the houses they sit in. - now don't get me wrong, all of these placements are important and come together to form your whole unique chart. But by breaking it down and slowly learning/understanding each placement it will help you form a clearer and more intricate picture of who you are and who you came here to be.

As you begin to understand the different placements and where they sit in your life, you can start to use this energy to benefit and change up your life. Possibly in ways you had never imagined before!

If you are interested in diving into your big six with a trained Astrologer. You can book in with me here, Iā€™d love to help you get to know yourself on a deeper level!

Until next time,



Why you don't need to fear Mercury Retrograde.


You have two choices.