



My offerings

  • 1:1 Astrology readings

    I offer one-hour private birth chart or solar return/transit readings online or by phone. Sessions are recorded so you are able to re-listen whenever you like!

    This session is interactive and you have the opportunity to ask me questions throughout.

    Availability for pre-recorded readings via the link below!

    My books are currently closed for virtual live readings.

  • Detailed virtual report

    My detailed virtual reports are perfect for you if you are wanting something to refer back to, or prefer to digest information/guidance at your own pace. This reading is provided to you as a pre-recorded video, which you can keep forever!

    This option is also perfect as a gift to someone who is new to or loves Astrology!

What should I expect from a reading?

Astrology is a great tool for understanding and discovering yourself at a deeper level. Many of us already know our ‘Sun signs’ which is a fantastic starting point, however we are so much more than just that one element.

By booking in with me, you are giving yourself the opportunity to reaffirm and understand why you behave and feel the way you do. We each have our own unique blueprint from birth, which offers us guidance and wisdom that can be harnessed and utilized to it’s fullest potential.

Some of the ways understanding your own unique birth chart can truly benefit and therefore allow you to:

  • Align with a career path that suits you and works for your unique gifts.

  • Utilize your own unique talents and deepen your areas of interest.

  • Give yourself permission to be who you came here to be.

  • Help heal your inner child and inner teenager, or begin the process of healing.

  • Understand what karmic bonds you have had in past lifetimes.

  • Identify how you best express yourself emotionally and within relationships.

  • Understand what assistance you need if you are feeling stuck or in a rut.

  • Plus much much more!

Interested? Book in with me below!