The houses in Astrology! What they mean in your chart.
When it comes to looking at our whole chart, one of the most important aspects are the chart houses.
When we look at our birth chart, it is circular in shape which is cut up into 12 houses. Each house represents a certain areas, aspects and pathways of growth in our lives. All 12 houses flow into each other and are a key part of putting together the puzzle that is our birth chart.
Birth chart example view:
NB: This is not an actual birth chart, it is an 'event' chart. Yes everything has a birth chart! But more on that another time.
As you can see, the small numbers in the inside of the circle represent what 'house' that part of the chart is. I.e. The first house is in Aries, which contains the AC angle and asteroid Chiron.
Now, what do the houses represent? Below I have listed the basics of each house (save this for easy referral!), there is much more deeper understanding of the houses once you start to piece everything together and read the chart as a whole.
Especially when looking at certain times in your life and how those placements may have played out in your life - that is when things begin to really make sense.
The Houses in Astrology:
1st house - Our physical self, our outlook on life and personality. This house usually contains (it can sometimes be in the 12th house) our Ascendant (rising) sign. The 1st house represents who we are physically in the world. Our self image and appearance as well as how others perceive us on a physical level.
2nd house - Represents our material possessions, often personal finances and Money are represented through the 2nd house. It also represents our talents, possessions, resources and basic values.
3rd house - How communicate, our immediate environment such as neighbors and short distance travel. The 3rd house also represents our early childhood environment,writing, speaking and how we formulate our thoughts. The 3rd house is also home to our IC.
4th house - Our home and roots, our security and most importantly family. It describes how we nurture ourselves and others. The 4th house also represents physical property, retirement years, culture and traditions.
5th house - Represents our creativity, children or inner child and what brings us joy. As well as representing how we express ourselves romantically and what brings us pleasure. Th 5th house also represents love affairs, sports and hobbies.
6th house - The 6th house represents our work and routines. It also represents how we show up and provide acts of service, our physical health, nutrition and well being, pets and how we organize our daily lives.
7th house - Represents our 1:1 relationships and partnerships. The 7th house also represents contractual agreements, legal contracts, marriage, our shadow self and competitors. The 7th house is also home to our descendant (DSC).
8th house - The 8th house represents our transformation and of course our sexuality. The 8th house also represents our attitude towards change and how we handle a crisis, death and rebirth, taxes and other peoples money and divorce/inheritance. It also represents magic, trauma, psychological issues, investments and the occult.
9th house - Represents our belief system and higher learning. It also represents foreign languages, cultures and long distance travel. Philosophy, religion and religious studies, our morals, personal truths and publishing/commerce. The 9th house also represents our goals, direction, law, morality, ethics and teaching.
10th house- The 10th house represents our career and public reputation. The 10th house also represents how we present ourselves to the public, our position and achievements in society, the father figure or authority in our lives, corporations, our bosses and government as well as how we abide by the law. The 10th or 9th house usually contain our MC line.
11th house - Represents our personal aspirations, friend groups/groups we connect with. It also represents our connection to our dreams and goals, organizations and community at a wider level, as well as our connection with humanity.
12th house - The 12th house represents our soul growth and privacy/hidden reality. It also represents our personal karma, hidden strengths and weaknesses, sacrificial services, dreams, private affairs, lost items, hospitals, prisons and spiritual studies.
As you can see each house represents different and interconnected aspects of our lives. Setting the stage for how the planets energies play out through and around us.
If you would like to delve into your own personal chart and explore what your birth chart says about you, I will be opening up spots to book in for a 1:1 chart reading! You can book with me here when spots open up.
Until next time,