Welcome! I'm so glad you found your way to our little magical corner of the Internet.

What/Who is Venus in Virgo Astrology? We are an inclusive, holistic wellness business focusing on Astrology readings ran by Astrologer and Aromatherapist, Alex. Who has a huge passion for helping others find their own magic within.

 Kia ora, I'm Alex a New Zealand based qualified Astrologer, Aromatherapist and Wellness coach.

My mission is to share and teach my knowledge of Astrology, Aromatherapy, Tarot and coaching tools, in a practical and grounded, yet fun and playful approach. To help assist you in aligning with your true purpose and break down any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.

I invite you to lean in and discover the magic that awaits you.

~Venus in Virgo Astrology.

I’d love to help you deepen your understanding of Astrology and your own unique birth chart.

My Story

  • Growing up, I've has always had an interest in the unseen and magical world around us. Fascinated and drawn to stories and tales of Mermaids, Fairies and other magical beings. Thanks to a family of crystal rock hounds, I began collecting crystals and creating my own 'potions' from a very young age.

    Fast froward a few years to circa 2013, I experienced my first 'Spiritual Awakening' unbeknownst at the time, this was the catalyst that set me on the path I am on today. Since then, I have experienced another very transformative 'dark night of the soul' which has been during my first Saturn return, where my true purpose and higher self really called out for me to create Venus in Virgo Astrology.

    Having experienced and studied many spiritual teachings over the years, I am fascinated and obsessed with learning and diving deeper. Through my studies I have been able to truly appreciate the world around me and the magic that is woven within all of us.

    Astrology has been a huge influence throughout my journey. Helping me not only understand myself at deeper and more profound level but also how I can implement changes in a practical way. Along with helping me understanding how I can best connect with people around me too.

    By implementing the tools I have uncovered from this ancient system into my day to day life, I have noticed profound changes and have been able to up-level my life faster than I have ever experienced before. It truly has has been a game changer!

    My mission is to help you understand yourself at a deeper level. Utilizing and combining my understanding and training in Astrology, Aromatherapy, Wellness coaching and years of using Tarot cards, to really assist you in stepping into your true power and magic.



My reading approach

  • Identify

    Identifying what you want to take away from this reading and what areas in life you need guidance on.

  • Understand

    I will help you to understand your unique placements, aspects and key elements within your chart.

  • Implement

    I hold space and work with you to provide advice and guidance around how you can implement different practical and grounded approaches in your day to day life.

Interested? Let’s connect

Ready to book in or want to order a custom written report? Connect with me below!