Your existence matters.
How many times do you wonder if your existence matters? Not in a way that means if you were to be gone tomorrow who would miss you, but what would be incomplete without you here?
How many things would not have been made possible, how many lives would not have touched without YOU being here. As we are all infinite beings, we are all connected and all have a mission. No two missions are the same.
This is where 'do not compare yourself' to others truly comes into play. Yes they may be on a different track and may appear to be doing more than you, but you should not let that dishearten you. Use what emotion that gives you to fuel your own fire on your own path.
What is it that makes you the happiest? A key way to explore this is when you are doing something you enjoy and you tend to loose track of time. That is called being in flow and is a sign that you should explore it further.
The world needs it, you own personal magic sauce. The emotional and vibrational state of the planet needs it. If you are alive and reading this or experiencing this then your journey is not over.
Bashar quoted this and this really inspired me to blog about this particular topic.
“By invalidating yourself, you remove the stepping stone and have nowhere to go. Stop comparing yourself to where you think you’re supposed to be and start validating yourself where you are!"
You are only limited by your current state of mind. Change your state of mind and you will change your reality. YOU are in control and don't forget it. Circumstances don't matter, only state of being matters.