Be your own happiness.
How often do you catch yourself thinking. "If only I had this I would be happy"..."If only I was like this."... "If only I made that kind on money I would be happy"...
By being like this, you are lowering your vibrational level. Material things and the thought of having a certain 'relationship' aren't going to bring you guaranteed happiness. They may for a short period of time, but true happiness comes from within.
It has taken me a long time to come to the realization of this and to actually put myself in a position where I could be truly happy. It takes a lot of courage and strength to change a situation you might be in to find that happiness, but once you do everything will fall into place. The hardest part is taking that first step.
If you do not like your situation change it! You are not a tree, you are not fixed in that one spot and are destined to be there your whole life. You were sent here for a reason and you need to find what ignites that flame within you. That is your true happiness.
What ever brings you the most joy is where you will find and be truly happy. If you are living and working from a place of joy and unconditional love, you are vibrating at a wonderful frequency and will subconsciously raise the vibration of those around you.