As above so below.
Many of you will understand the concept of light vs dark. Good vs evil. But what also must be understood is that both can not exist without each other.
Good and evil exist at the same time because they are each as powerful and as real as one another. When you act from a place of unconditional love you will still see darkness and encounter 'evil' but when you understand that both can not exist without each other, reality becomes a lot more clear and less frightening.
If we all reflected inwards and allowed ourselves to look at yourselves as a ‘whole’ not good or bad, we would all be able to understand who we are a lot more. Therefore the world would be a much nicer place.
How often do you feel that things are more a reflection on how you are feeling inside, rather than simply an action a certain person has done? How often do you take these feelings out on people? I can tell you probably more than you care to admit.
A way you can work on this aspect is during a new moon. This is a great time to reflect inwards and maybe see things from a different perspective than you once did. I will go into more detail as this blog progresses about awakening yourself and doing the inner shadow work because a lot more people need to, and there is no time like the present.
I will leave you with some more insightful words from the wonderful Bashar ~
To remind you of this fact, to remind you of what you already know to be true within yourselves, to put you, in that sense, in a state, to help you put yourselves in a state, that gets you back in touch with your true core essential selves, so that you can function in the way that you were designed by Creation to function and that is as a reflection of the Infinite.-Bashar