Being grateful.
How often do we find ourselves in a thought of wishing we had something more? Wishing for certain material or financial gain. Materialistic happiness that we think will make us feel fulfilled when we have it. How wrong are we, but it is not our fault.
All our lives we have been force fed this false sense of "ultimate happiness" through capitalistic material and financial gain. YES I do agree that there is nothing more amazing than the feeling of accomplishment and getting the things you want but are we truly grateful at the end?I have been thinking a lot lately of how lucky and blessed I am. I may not be exactly where I want to be but I'm on my correct path, things are falling into place and I want to focus more on my gratitude and coming into alignment with it.
Too often we are focused on the next big thing, the next project, so much so that we forget to slow down and see what is already around us. I want to take the chance to thank those who have come into my life and shaped it in ways that I never thought imaginable. I am truly happy and I want you all to be too.
Maybe this will ignite your own thoughts to look at what you have already and feel blessed and lucky yourselves.The world needs this right now. There is too much devastation, death and chaos. This vibration we are in needs serious lifting and I can see it starting to appear through the cracks. We are not afraid anymore to stand up against stigmas and beliefs that don't serve us. This is shaping what the world needs to be.
We are all one, don't forget that. We are all connected and in that itself we are blessed. Remember that one day you could wake up and your whole world could change. Be thankful for what you have now.